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combat worry and stress


You may have landed here because you...


  • are persistently worried about various aspects of life including work, relationships, health, or daily tasks

  • experience a need to do everything perfectly and mistakes lead to excessive self-criticism 

  • are unable to relax during downtime

  • feel like you don't deserve your achievements and fear being exposed as a fraud


I'm happy you are here. 

New York and New Jersey Psychotherapy


Exploring Anxiety

We all deal with worry from time to time, it's part of the human experience. Stressful situations trigger anxiety—that's normal. But for those with anxiety disorders, those fears and worries decide to stick around for the long haul, and sometimes they even get worse over time.


Anxiety can make it a struggle to focus at work or school, and it can disrupt your social life. It might even put a strain on your relationships with family and friends. But, here's the silver lining: there are treatments that really work.


When it comes to dealing with anxiety, there are a few major types of anxiety disorders you should know about:

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD):

This looks like persistent worry and anxious feelings. Folks dealing with GAD might stress about all sorts of things like health or money, and they often feel like something bad is looming.

Panic disorder:

This looks like sudden panic attacks out of the blue, with symptoms like sweating, trembling, or feeling like you can't catch your breath. It's terrifying, and it can really make you feel out of control.


These are intense fears of specific things or situations, like spiders or flying.

Social anxiety disorder:

This looks like feeling self-conscious in social situations, but to an extreme. Social Anxiety Disorder makes things like making friends or going to parties a real challenge.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD):

This looks like uncontrollable distressing thoughts and compulsive behaviors. A person with OCD can experience one of these or both.

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD):

This can happen after a traumatic event, like a natural disaster or a serious accident. Flashbacks and nightmares are common symptoms.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Anxiety Treatments

Psychotherapists are trained to diagnose anxiety disorders and teach you better ways to cope. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often a go-to treatment for anxiety because it helps you understand how your thoughts are fueling your anxiety and gives you tools to manage it better.


Sometimes, other approaches alongside CBT are useful. For example, group therapy can be a big help because it gives you a chance to connect with others who are going through the same thing.


Anxiety disorders are treatable. With therapy, most people see improvements in just a few months. 

What is high-functioning anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is a term used to describe individuals who experience symptoms of anxiety but are able to function relatively well in their daily lives. These individuals may appear calm, composed, and successful on the outside, but internally, they struggle with persistent feelings of worry, fear, and apprehension.


People with high-functioning anxiety often excel in their work, school, or personal lives, which can make it difficult for others to recognize the emotional turmoil they are experiencing. They may go to great lengths to hide their anxiety, pushing themselves to achieve and maintain high standards in an attempt to cope with their internal struggles.

What is chronic stress?

Chronic stress happens when you're under long-term pressure or worry, lasting for months or even years. Unlike short-term stress triggered by immediate problems, chronic stress occurs when you face constant challenges without enough time to relax. This ongoing stress can seriously harm your physical and mental well-being.

Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Stress Management

Therapy is beneficial for those dealing with anxiety and stress. It provides personalized coping strategies, helping individuals understand and manage triggers effectively. Therapy offers a supportive environment, allowing people to express their feelings and fears, promoting emotional relief. Therapy also helps in setting realistic goals and boundaries, preventing burnout.


mental health therapist in new jersey

Maybe you've coped with  anxiety and stress by overworking or constant busyness

Maybe you've tried to control anxiety by striving for perfection, setting high standards and leading to constant self-criticism

Maybe you have a buildup of responsibilities that results in last-minute rushes and a constant sense of being overwhelmed

If this is you: Therapy for anxiety provides the necessary support you need to express fears and concerns. Meeting with a therapist will help you understand triggers of anxiety and bolster coping to deal with stressful situations. 

Get in touch!


New York and New Jersey Psychotherapy

Life Transitions

Therapy that helps you navigate shifts and changes in life, encompassing a wide range of experiences. 

Anxiety & Stress

Therapy that helps you understand triggers and learn practical tools to manage stress effectively. 


Therapy that helps you navigate complex emotions and thoughts that may hinder healing.

Existential Anxiety

Therapy that helps you gain insights, contributing to a more intentional and purposeful approach to  life.

Cancer & Illness

Therapy that helps you address the psychological and emotional challenges of illness.

PTSD & Yoga

Holistic approach to trauma care  that combines narrative story telling, skills training,  and yoga.

Caregiver Stress

Therapy that is a space for exploration, helping you with emotional support and coping.


Therapy that utilizes the outdoors to provide opportunities for adapting to uncertainty, and moving forward.

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